Privacy Policy

Who can get therapy?

Anyone can seek therapy. If you are under the age of 18, you need parental consent. Once you turn 18, you are able to seek therapy independent of your parents knowledge or consent

What is HIPAA?

HIPAA is the law that protects your confidentiality. If you are over 18, no information can be given out to anyone without your written consent except for a few reasons:
~ if you are going to seriously harm or kill yourself or someone else
~ if child or elder abuse is strongly suspected or disclosed
~ if you are experiencing psychosis or other symptoms that make it so  
you cannot keep yourself safe and won’t seek treatment

What about in couples therapy?

I encourage open communication in couples therapy, and believe that effective treatment cannot work with secrets. That being said, I do not disclose any confidential information but will work with you to do so. 

What if I’m not safe?

From time to time individuals come to therapy seeking to leave an abusive or potentially dangerous relationship. I will work with you on safety planning, confidentiality, and how to navigate such a situation. 

EVERYONE has the right to confidentiality, and I cannot even disclose if you are a client of mine without a written consent unless I am legally required to.